Monday, November 9, 2009

I'd rather be mauled

I have decided the reason I hate malls is because they are overstimulating. They are like the State Fair for that matter, except people in the mall usually are there to spend more money on material things rather than fried dough. I think I also have an aversion to the "clothed space" because I worked in a mall for most of high school and swore I never wanted to smell the perfumes of a department store again.

Yet, I found myself at the Carousel Mall yesterday to finally see WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE (thumbs up, too). Walking through the mall, however, I realized how rare it is that I step into those places. They're horrible for so many reasons. I'm not anti-shopping, but the whole mall ordeal is over my head. I don't get it.

I wish Syracuse luck with Destiny and their eco-friendly shopping experience, but I'm not going to be a frequent shopper there. No, thank you. If I want something bad enough I can order it online.

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