Monday, March 16, 2009

Silly Green Groundhogs, Surely thee jest.

Yesterday's temperature went above fifty degrees and Central, New York could feel it. I did, too, and went for both a walk with Baby and then a long run.

I noticed several daffodils were peaking their green arms out of the soil, reaching for the hope that Spring was actually arriving. In shorts, I knew I was equally optimistic. I hear my mother, though, saying "It's a trick. Winter is not over yet. Don't get used to this. There's more snow to come."

And this is what living in Syracuse is really like. It is a cautious desire that blue skies and warmth really do exist and that there's more to life than banks of snow and Canadian winds. Daffodils don't lie. They may get hammered in their blind, underground faith, but they offer us hope that better days are on the way.

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