Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dode Fiske Strommen Ab

It might be my imagination, but my dog always returns from her visits to my parents smelling like dead fish.  Now, there aren't streams, creeks, lakes or rivers in my parent's neighborhood so my speculation is that the fisherman in the hood, Mo, Dad & Karl, throw fish parts in various areas of their yard and Baby finds a way to sniff it out and roll in it.  Of course, this is theory. Baby might also get the scent from lying on the upstair's carpet that my mother has been complaining about ever since it was installed.  I am surprised that neighborhood cats don't stroll to my yard in anticipation of nestling with the dog.  She smells that good.  It could be Trimethylaminuria, a metabolic illness where the liver cannot metabolise trimethylamine, a chemical produced by naturally occurring intestinal bacteria properly, which causes a fish smell.  I've seen quirky specials on that.  Oh well, I will give her a bath.

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