Friday, May 22, 2009

Memory from 1992

When I studied in London in a program called "Literature of Exile and the Black British Experience," I met and interviewed Dr. Beryl Gilroy for a class project.  I was nineteen.

It was nostalgic today to find a memorial written by Dr. Carol Davies afterr Ms. Gilroy passed.  I post it below:

In 1992, I spent a semester in London with the Binghamton London program. Upon arrival, I had made contact with Jan Shinebourne who informed me that Beryl had heard I was there and was expecting me to see her. My own project at that time was to study black women writers in Britain for a chapter in my book, Migrations of the Subject and I interviewed Mrs. G. and several other of the writers there. I also invited Mrs. G to talk to our students. After her visit, the more curious students ran to the library to see if this little, aging black woman, was really as famous a writer as I made her out to be. One of them (Bryan Ripley Crandall) came back with the news that Beryl Gilroy was the author of about 14 children’s stories, ( then) 4 novels, 1 autobiography, Black Teacher and much more. He promptly arranged an interview with her for his project and left completely enamored of her. Since then, I have read all her new books in manuscript form. She liked my feedback, and I was careful not to give too much - not wanting to interfere with her creative vision. In 1995 again, I spent another semester in London and similarly visited and spent time with Mrs. G. This time, my daughter Dalia would skate over to her house from our place in Swiss Cottage to have a literature and writing lesson once a week. She developed a close friendship with my daughters as well and they knew they could talk to her if they needed someone who cared.

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