Friday, January 9, 2009

A Quirky Poem on a Regressed Equation

A little statistical poem before I leave
(& God knows I wish I had more up my sleeve),
but I'm a linguist and I love my words -
numerically, you can throw me out to the birds.
I did my best, that's all I can say,
trying at t-tests, x squared and F stat displays,
to make sense of my numbers and statistical guesses -
for all we English folks out there, come on and bless us!

As a frogman of sorts, I like to have an understanding of my marsh,
yet getting my brain around this class has really been harsh.
Even so, I try, and I leap forward with a smile,
taking another degree and adding it to my pile.

Perhaps I'm a table, or someone's Q yule,
either way, King Lear & Shakespeare, I like being a fool.

A year ago, I was enrolled in Statistical Thinking. I was never a mathphobe until this class, and although I triumphed in the end, the stress knocked me down again and again. I wrote this poem as an answer to one of the questions - you can guess I got it wrong. In fact, I didn't even get a comment (smiley face or star) from the professor. I just got 0 out 10 points for the question.

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