Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dog Wash

I decided Baby needed a bath. I reissued her dog license and then took her to a doggy wash in North Syracuse. They're fascinating places, actually, and are much better for cleaning a 125 pound dog. The shampoo really dug deep and when I blew her dry, she looked like a large fuzz ball.

She also got her nails clipped which is nice. One of my pet peeves (she's a pet after all) is when she puts her paw on my legs and digs her long claws into my skin. It hurts. They are now trimmed.

And the dog will smell good for another week or so. You've got to love a country that has dog baths. They need to invent a dog-bath drive thru. Maybe that's my millions. Pull up to one side of a building, shove the dog in, and get it on the other side all groomed and cleaned. Sort of like the Lion had in the Wizard of Oz when he was groomed. I think Baby would like that.

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